My Story

I specialize in the mind-gut connection and empowering people. I help people who are struggling with feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and depressed create a life plan and naturally reconnect them with joy, energy, freedom, and a full life. My goal is to guide you in ways in which you will experience less stress and anxiousness; and through food and nutrition, have a kick-ass, thriving life.

As the daughter of an award-winning executive chef, I found myself surrounded by food from an early age. Even when I was 3 years old, I was so eager to work in my parents’ restaurant that I could often be found handing out menus in my onesie. My passion for the food industry stuck with me as I grew up, and I spent my 20’s working in bars and restaurants. I later went on to both live and work in Milan and Paris in the fashion and hairstyling industries. 

As glamorous and fabulous as my life had seemed, I struggled with depression and crippling anxiety. I was put on antidepressants. Still, there were days when I was unable to leave the house without using alcohol, a mainstay of the high fashion and hairstyling industry, to self medicate. I was a mess, and it pushed me into destructive behavior.

More often than not, I woke up angry and hung over. I turned to excessive amounts of caffeine just to motivate me through the day. I found myself repeating the same behavior daily. It was a vicious cycle, and maybe one with which you are all too familiar.

I was also suffering from horrible digestion issues, like SIBO, IBS, and Candida. Exhaustion had become my normal, but I knew it wasn’t “normal” - I just didn’t know what needed to change.

After seeing many doctors over the years, I was told by the last, that I was a “LIFER”– I would have to be on antidepressants for the rest of my LIFE– and I just had to find the one magic pill that worked “for me”. I believed them. Doctors know best, right?

Needless to say, I never found that magic pill...

After years of medication and suffering from side effects - such as vomiting, hives, and unrecognizable facial swelling, I had a breakthrough. I decided I had had ENOUGH. I knew that I wanted to be a "Thriver" not a "Lifer”.

I previously studied Chinese Bodywork and Eastern Medicine, so in my heart and mind I began to recall all the natural ways to heal. I knew there had to be another way to manage my symptoms in a more natural way. I knew there was a way to heal that wouldn’t leave me feeling like a joyless zombie with no sex drive, or have me turning to alcohol to numb my pain.

That’s when I began my search and found a Naturopathic doctor who could look at my whole life and mind-body connection, and help get me on my path to wellness, and inspired me to go back to school to help others.

She started me on my journey of healing through the mind-gut connection. By testing and building up support for brain function/neurotransmitters naturally (yep you can do that!) and working on healing my gut to support my brain. I was able to get to the heart of what was going on with my anxiety and depression. Using mindfulness, meditation, yoga, exercise and supplements - I was able to feel free, clear, and joyful.

Five years later, I am filled with joy. I feel the best I have in over 20 years. I am clear. I am healthy. I have zero anxiety or depression. I am medication-free, and I wake up every day filled with energy. I now have a healthy relationship with alcohol. I am so grateful for the life that I never thought I’d have, or never thought was possible.

It is now my mission to help others find the same freedom I have, and to share with you the tools to heal your anxieties and overwhelming feelings - naturally and to create a life plan.

It is my purpose to help you hack into what took me years to discover. I’ve truly transformed to "THRIVER" from "LIFER".

If you’re struggling with feelings like anxiety or depression and feel like you’ve tried it all, just know that this isn't “just the way things are” and that you can feel well again. The freedom I found, can be yours too. You may not have found the way just yet, but you are here and that’s a great start.


About Nico.


How, who, what, where?

About Nico.

I began my journey 20 + years ago learning about the power of alternative healing, energy, meditation, and mindfulness when I studied Chinese  Bodywork and therapies at Southwest Institute for Healing Arts. The last ten years I have focused on meditation, personal growth, coaching, and nutrition. I received my Health Coaching certification from The Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Nutrition Science from Stanford and Finished a 500 Hour Yoga teacher training at Modo Yoga International. I also received a certification as a Psychological Fitness Specialist from The Human Potential Institute.

I specialize in working with busy people, helping them find solutions to their lifestyle and health.

Naturally supporting those with Gut and Brain Health issues and helping them learn how the two are related has become my life’s work. I truly believe that food is medicine. I’ve devoted myself to the understanding, acknowledging and sharing of where food comes from and how it can affect the body. What we take in creates who we are, from aspects of the food we eat to the people we surround ourselves with. I believe in making sure that when others take in what I put out into the world, they not only come away healthier and happier but are also more educated about how they can stay that way. 

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